WNS meetings are held on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 PM
(except July & August) at Community of Christ Church, (formerly the
Reorganized Church of Latter Day Saints) 3526 Massachusetts Ave NW,
Washington, D.C. Use the rear
entrance in the alleyway. Map of our
meeting spot.
Some monthly features are...
- Exhibits,
Speakers, Raffle
- Door Prizes and
- Fellowship and
- Newsletter
Annual dues are only $10 with a discount to students under 21.
Monthly Meetings
Tuesdays at 7:30PM.
of Christ Church
3526 Massachusetts Ave NW
Washington, DC
to the meeting room is via the alley behind the Church, off 35th Place,
between Mass. Ave. and Edmonds St. Parking is on 35th Place (look for
handicapped entry sign). See map below:
Announced each month in the
bulletin issued ten times a year.
Inclement Weather
any of the local school districts are closed because of weather, WNS will
not meet that evening. There is no need to call.
Monthly Meetings:
January-May, September-November. Meeting
begins at 7:30 PM with
speaker or video.
Semi-Annual Pot-luck Dinners: June and December.
Guests and friends are
welcome. Meeting begins at 7:00 PM. Program to be announced.
Meeting Location Map:
We also offer a more detailed
map that is designed for printing. It is in Adobe Acrobat format, the
reader is free and comes with many web browsers and can be downloaded from Adobe. Adobe Acrobat (PDF format) is the
most common document format on the internet, most companies and government
agencies use this format for making their documents available on the